Creators are at the heart of the content revolution and it’s incredible to see lines blur between new and traditional media. 

Influencers, talent, online moguls whatever you choose to call them, the common thread that ties them all is the intimate nature of their relationship with their audience. Each creator brings a unique understanding of their community and the promise to deliver engaging content day after day. This intimacy, authenticity and commitment is what sets them apart from our traditional notions of ‘celebrity’. 

Content is emerging as a critical differentiator between brands that ‘get it’ and those that don’t. There are tons of paths to an effective content strategy and we’d love to devise one that works for you. 

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Here are some ideas to get you started.


the digital video landscape

Digital video is growing at an unprecedented pace. Whether you look at Mary Meeker’s ‘State of the Internet’ or the latest data on time spent online - video is omnipresent, which makes it impossible to ignore for brands and agencies alike. In this rapidly evolving landscape, understanding all your options from platforms to content types, is key to the success of your digital video strategy. Let us help you pick what’s best for your brand.


Building a custom content strategy

Digital audiences consume tons of different content, in tons of different ways. Understanding your brand’s target audience and then tailoring your strategy to meet brand goals is easier said than done. We hear you. The possibilities are endless from building your own to co-creating content. Let’s work together to create a content strategy tailored to your brand needs.


working with creators & influencers

Internet creators are influencers. Through their unique brand of content, authenticity and relatability, they’ve built a strong relationship with their audience that’s powerful and evocative. Understanding the tenets of this relationship and aligning brand messages with the creator’s persona in the most organic way is crucial to the impact of this collaboration. Speaking their language and understanding what matters to them, are must haves. We ensure nothing is lost in translation :)


How content and advertising differ

Engagement over product placement, entertainment over brand presence, education over simplification - are just a few things to keep in mind when creating content. We work with brand teams and creative agencies to help them switch gears and think content first to build engaging digital narratives.